Friday, 26 August 2022

APAPS 22.10: A Gallic Bolide, or the Unfamiliar Familiar.

Two week´s ago, I produced a lengthy and admittedly rather boring Blog, much of it dealing with abstruse queries raised by Paul. It elicited just one virtually incomprehensible comment on the Blog page, and nothing at all from Paul. I did, however, receive an email about it which included some finely judged literary criticism which is worth the quoting:-

Having ploughed through all the tosh, I find it Much Ado About Nothing or the reversal of Parkinson's Law.....”

What can I say, other than to answer “touché” and cordially to invite her - for my critic is indeed a lady - to join in as a Blogger herself. Additional Bloggers are always needed.

Be that as it may, she and the rest of you will surely be delighted that this week´s Blog is very largely the contribution of a volunteer so that you don´t have to put up with very much of my waffle. (My critic and my volunteer shall both stay nameless so as to protect their identities.)

Said volunteer writes:-

The day dawned grey, flat and boring, the faint glow of light inside the café indicated human activity but door and shutters remained firmly closed. 

Eventually, the cheerful, in the coffee-free circumstances, conversations between WAGS prompted Donna Fernanda to open her arms, door and windows to those in need of caffeine… All with a cheerful smile!


Things then livened up a tad as Evel Janet Knievel roared in on her Gallic bolide and demonstrated the most amazing judgement in parking at speed in front of a stack of rather solid palettes; remarkable!

Precisely parked

but he is not impressed

Of course, the purists demanded that she moved her car and while they were at it they also demanded that the Frogmobile be parked in more parallel universe/fashion to other cars: we obtemperated rather than be exterminated…

Parking perfection

The Six Starters

The small but perfectly formed group then made for the hills, accompanied by a joyful and very loud chorus of dogs of all sizes, breeds and coloraturas; “bloody noisy things!” someone said.


The tracks and the hills were drab and almost uninviting under the featureless grey shy; half-heartened efforts were made at photography, the ‘spark’ just was not there. 

Nonetheless, it DOES appear that years of training –cleverly disguised as grumbling, grouching and grizzling at the leader- were beginning to bear fruit: not only did we eschew a reasonably(?) close trig-point but on at least TWO occasions, the alluring and tempting steep climbs were ignored in favour of much gentler slopes…

Taking the Low Road

and again

Mark these words: another ten years and we’ll have the Leader licked into shape, good and proper!

Distant reservoir looks very low 

 “The cool temperatures were a relief from the searing heat experienced only a few outings previously and there was even a hint of drizzle for a few seconds. 

but the T-shirt competition is over and done with

The rumour is that the electrician was Australian

Back at the café, we regrouped with the non-walking-but-mostly-eating brigade: In addition to Rod and Paul, it was very good to be met there by Claire and Terry sans Becky; Claire made sure that the few scraps of toast left over were carefully wrapped in tissues: one must never forget one’s dog!

Figs, grapes, and a few thoughts.

As ever the food was plentiful and the fruit was fresh and tasty: definitely worth an ‘uptick’ in Trip Advisor!

And so, over to John for the proper story of that outing…”

Nothing much to add except the Track and the Statistics,

 to remark that, with all the recent felling and removal of timber from the hills, the familiar tracks had now all become unfamiliar, somewhat disorientating if you are the leader, and to ask if any of you know what our contributor meant by "Gallic Bolide."

During the breakfast, Yves presented Paul with an official looking brass plate carrying the injunction "Save Water - Shower With A Friend."

Paul is taking bookings for his shower room now so, if you want to do your bit, get your application in soonest before there are queues outside.

Next week, no APAPS walk or breakfast, but the COWS are looking for members.

And we close with another piece of music from our ongoing theme of  moonlight.




Paulo a Pe said...

Having been chastised by John in the first para of this blog QV "nothing at all from Paul", I have but a slender excuse that I was still reeling from shock at the rather erotic photo of Hazel and Myriam going two's up on a metaphor, and apparently begging for more! That and the intellectual reply to my innocent query left me in a haze. And then I saw that the group had all but been renamed ABPS, and perhaps blocked acronyms from my memory, as well as the blog.
Nevertheless, a credible blog from a first time blogger/ lamb to the slaughter, ( although the bulk of the piece has a similar writing style to the CB. I hope he recruits 'they/them' on the same basis as I recruited him many moons before,. (see what I topically mentioned there?)
One more observation - as T-shirt bon mots have come back into prominence, isnt it strange that Yves has managed to preserve his rare blue Leinster shirt from APAPS 1/2016 to be unpacked once more for APAPS 22.10, and it is as good as new!

Yves said...

Msrs Veyron, Chirron of Bugatti fame; now joined by Janet in her racing 'Bleu de France' Renault thunderball (Harrap's translation of 'bolide' q.v.): great drivers are born, not made!

John Hope said...

"Msrs Veyron, Chirron.." Is anyone any the wiser?