Monday, 19 September 2016

AWW 20th Anniversary: Part 2 - The Lunch

A group photo was taken just before lunch; quite remarkably, Rod managed to get 50 people to leave their drinks, to line up outside, to look at the camera at the same time, and then to go back inside the restaurant, all in less time than it takes for a chilled Sagres to lose its cool.

It ´s just a pity that the paparazzo responsible for the picture paid less than proper attention to protocol and waved his arm in front of Janet´s face at the critical moment. Oh dear! his copy book with her blotted once again, she won´t forgive him this time.

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The 20th Anniversary Fifty

Back to Rod.

Marlene, O Alambique´s proprietor, had prepared a splendid repast, enjoyed with great conviviality and bonhomie. Myriam too did a splendid act as hostess with the mostest, delighting everyone her specially autographed T-shirt.


The feast culminated in the appearance of a splendid cake decorated, of course, with the emblematic blue blob and cistus flower.



Following that, a siesta was encouraged while one of the co-organisers rambled on (his words, not mine) about  the origin and activities of the AWW.


He particularly welcomed Esme, our founder Maurice Clyde´s widow, Judy Cooper, widow of Ian, a founder member and participant of the first Algarve Way walk, and Jane Cook a frequent early walker... all of whom had come from the UK just for the event. He was also very happy to see Tony Webster, and Ricky Cruz who, along with Rod were on the very first AWW walk in September 1996, also Francisco Graça who was an early walker, facilitated our relations with Almargem, and was the creator of the joint names of Algarve Way and Via Algarviana.



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He emphasized that the Algarve Way/Via Algarviana was Maurice´s brainchild, that many early walkers, especially Hedley who had walked with the Saturday walkers before the creation of the AWW, were involved in reconnoitering the route that was eventually first walked as a whole in October 1998 by Maurice and longer with us, Mark Harman...too ill to join us, Ian Angus...resident in Spain, Tony Webster, Myriam and Rod (proud of the fact he believes he is still the only person to have covered it on foot and horseback)...still with us! Since then it has been wonderfully mapped and waymarked by David and Terry, the latter having now covered it probably more times than everyone else together. In the meantime the Almargem version, for which they took on the Via Algarviana name, has been separately mapped and waymarked.


He went on to laud the work of various Hon Secs...namely Lindsey, Janet, Tina and David, and those who had organised special events, particularly Paul for creating the RTC, for creating the blogs (now ably backed up by JohnH) and for being the unchallenged fashion style setter: Mike P for his Moonlight Walks and Sparrowfart summer walks and breakfast a role now taken on by Antje and Chris: Rod for walks in different locations in Spain and the Alentejo: and David for many recent events including the Rota Vicentina walks.



  He particularly mentioned the many leaders, not already named, who have guided (or does he mean sometimes misguided?) the AWW all over the Algarve amongst whom there were present:-

Thyl, (and his better half Gita.. ​a frequent early walker and ​composer of the early AWW anthem – see later), Ian Wilson, Lindsey and Andrew, Ian Scott, Jim, Hilke,  JohnO, and Nick and Pam.  He went on to say how lucky (or should it be well prepared?!) we had been to avoid any serious accidents. The record was slightly​ marred only by Anna Rose (also a frequent early walker) breaking her leg during a walk in Madeira, and Yves who managed to ​convince​ the Bombeiros to rescu​e​ him from a precarious position on a west coast cliff.


Who - Me? …… Qui - Moi?

He finished by pointing to the future and asking where were all the organisers of new events and volunteers for specific roles....these days everything seems to be organised by the Hon. Sec. David. There is an obvious risk in being a one man come on step forward!

This was followed by  Mike P with some amusing reminiscences about some of the events he had organised, and then by Janet who said how happy she had been on so many walks and who stated her preference for keeping them free of rules and regulations...and even guidelines!!

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During the open floor afterwards,  Esme emotionally expressed her appreciation of the event as did Tony Webster.Hedley, Frank W, David, and Ian W.had their say before Hazel finished with an appropriate Deo Gratias. 



An occasion very much directed to happy memories of the past but hopefully this will encourage greater participation to ensure the future  is bright.


End of Part 2

(Go to   for Part 3)

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