Thursday, 18 August 2016

APAPS 8: Motus et Bouche Cousue or Mum´s The Word

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The Preamble

“ On Wednesday 17th we will start from Café Retiro dos Pescadores  at 7 am. The walk will be a sort of revisit to the walk we did on 29th June, but with variations. Not likely to be much over 8 km, about 500 metres ascents but even so fairly gentle slopes. No cross-country scrambling (I think). The all-important breakfast will be at Retiro dos Pescadores of course, where we have breakfasted very well before with Kerrygold butter among other delights.”

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The Statistics

Distance 8.84 kms: Total Time 2 hrs 31 min: Moving Time 2 hrs 7 mins: Av. Moving speed 4.2 kph: Total climb 434 metres.

The Track

04 APAPS 8 actual

Red line is our route along the valley floor and up to the ridge: the blue line our way back to base. And for those who are interested in that sort of thing, this second picture shows how this weeks´s walk overlapped briefly with the previous week´s Águas Belas walk which is shown by the yellow line: 

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Closing Quotation

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“ Among the flowers with wine beneath the sky
Alone I drink — no friend or kin, just me.
I raise my cup to toast the moon on high.
That's two of us; my shadow makes it three. “

(李白 - Li Bai, aka Li Po -  AD 701-762)


Paulo a Pe said...

Lies, damn lies etc. I would have been proud to achieve the climb claimed in the CB's Stats section, but alas my highly accurate elevation profile only showed 200 m of climb and this was backed up by my extremely accurate Garmin Oregon. Distances and speeds were more similar. Perhaps The CB has managed to record an accumulated climb total whereas mine are simple calculations. But I doubt it!

Yves said...

If only I could remember what I was supposed to comment on... Perhaps the Chief Blagueur might recall? 'twas his idea in the first place, I think...
Never mind: the Gods too are fond of a joke!

Rod said...

Certainly cut down on the waffle

Myriam said...

Good photos, which speak for themselves. Hence saving many words!! I like the cubism best!
Excellent and appropriate quotation from one of my favourite poets. Thank you. It so happened that yesterday was full moon. His shadow would have been very clear!

John Hope said...

Ah ha! Got him in one. I knew that Paul couldn´t resist a good statistic. Shall I put him out of his misery and explain? What do you think?

Paulo a Pe said...

Go to it then!