A hot day made for a short walk, possibly one of the shortest on record. And a very small group again. Obviously, only a very brief report is needed.
The Starters in the Herdade Bom Homen, up the prison road.
The distant trig point looked inviting but we resisted the urge to climb it.
and very soon made our way back to the car for a water pause. .
Our journey home was interrupted by a passing flock of sheep and goats.
The Track and the Statistics
Moving time, scarcely 1 hour, ascent 91 metres although to some it felt more, and distance a mere 3.2 k. For a walk of 3.2k, Myriam travelled 37 k and then 37 k back. There´s dedication for you !
The Breakfast
Regrettably small numbers of walkers and eaters do not justify the special ordering breakfasts, so we resorted to Plazza Pizza once more.
First of all, the Chinese Tea Ceremony.
Three went for their English Breakfast with or without frankfurters.
But the Leader, in a fit of pique, broke with tradition and went for the Plazza Salada.
Good value.
And to close, nothing to do with APAPS, but to record the fact that Hazel managed to catch her bête noire. O´Malley, Figaro´s dad who has been terrifying peaceful cats in the neighbourhood and in the process boosting Hazel´s vet´s income quite considerably. O´Malley had made the mistake of intruding via our cat flap and then got trapped overnight in Casa Esperança. Next morning, a slightly bloody struggle ensued with JohnH at the receiving end until Hazel wrestled the feral cat to the floor and caged him. Some effort !
We then transported him 20k up the São Marcos road and set him loose near Talurdo.
Will he find a new area to terrorise or will his homing instincts bring him back ? Watch this space.
Well done John, although on grounds of sexism you have glossed over the fact that on most of your walks you appear to be the lone male with a harem of several ladies, who follow you unquestioningly. At your age thar amazing feat, should be rung from the rafters. The alternative Lagos COWS walk was longer and stronger but quite a lot wronger than the official one. It consisted of myself and Miriam's sister, Louisa and we accomplished 4.7 km in just over 1 hour. Including an amazingly short swing by me which was roughly ended when it produced testicles
I meant to say that it produced 'test icicles, as the Gulf Sțream has not moved towards the S coast as it should average 19.6C at this time of year. and the sea temp is still in the low 17C instead of the expected average at this time of year of 19.6 C
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