The regular Reader of these pages will have noticed, I am sure, a common theme running through the opening lines of Yves´ Blogs which is that , when he wakes up early, it is dark and then he goes in search of the sunrise. Not that he is seeking enlightenment; far from that. He needs light to make his camera work. So, before we go on to this week´s blog, I will play you an overture and while it is playing (about 7 minutes) you can pass the time looking appreciatively at his latest gallery of early morning studies.
Catching the sun |
Over now to Yves; a modest man, he does not like to boast
The day started because it really had to; it did not really want to as the weather was in a strange mood: reasonably warm but overcast and unclear which way it would go…
Still, at silly o’clock this Blogger was on the bridge in Silves in the hope of catching the rising sun gently bending its beams around the shoulders of the storks and other birds living in their apartment block by the large hotel. Time ticked away as traffic grew and the good denizens of Silves set off to their places of employment to finish their night’s slumber… Still no sign of the sun peeping over the hill to illuminate the birds. The Castle was showing off its ‘red grès’ walls in full glory against the azure sky; the cathedral was bathed in a glorious glow that picked out its maroon details in a delightful fashion. Near the Ponte Romana, some ducks and seagulls offered to stand in for the storks but they did not have quite the same appeal: mottled grey on grey pavements and grey walls against a greyish white bridge simply did not cut it.
There was no option but pack away the camera and head for the car-park to join the throng, a small throng, a posse, a small group of Walkers for the morning’s adventures.
The Leaider was pacing anxiously at the spot where he had advised the troop to meet. Why, one trooper actually moved her car from a perfectly good parking space to be nearer the Cap’n. Soon the crew had gathered, all six of them, and the Starters’ picture was taken.
Ritual satisfied, the Leader set off towards the river, followed obediently by the faithful; as he reached the edge of the high bank, he took a picture of something interesting, turned around and faced the group who had gathered behind him. Who was more surprised: him or they? There had been mutterings of giving him a gentle shove into the water to add some real action-pictures to the blog but the Blogger/Snapper can only be in one place at a time and the Leader remained dry, up on the bank. There will be a collection at some point in the future to subsidise someone to attend the Open University Course on ‘quantum blogging’ –the Leader has been given fair warning!
Various signs enroute |
Across the Roman Bridge past the sign that states that no pedestrians are allowed and onto the track; if there ever was ONE characteristic feature of the WAGS troop in its many guises and varying numbers, it must be the ever-present banter at a fair volume -10+ but not quite a Marshall 11.
At the back, the Leader and the Blogger had more than enough material to chew on with the Rugby World Cup and politics but what kept Les Girls babbling so excitedly? Do they even remember?
Needless to say, as we approached the gates of the Adega, someone simply had to give the bell-pull a gentle tug; the ring was so soft that people inside failed to hear it; either that or they had heard the tsunami of banter coming their way and they had battened down the hatches? Who knows?
Spot the bell ringer (In fact somebody did eventually open the big door but by then the guilty party had nipped round the corner.) |
With breakfast ordered for 10.00 o’clock a.m. in the morning, the Leader was taking no risks: he kept a wary eye on his time-piece; so far and no further lest we are late back! That simply would not do, would it? Not in a new venue for our famished troop!
Accordingly, as we reached the ‘Stairway to Heaven’, the Leader stopped and intimated in his mild but persuasive tones that we should turn back now. Lo! He was practically talking to himself: one fit young lady was well on her way to Heaven, one slightly less young lady was busy making friends with a couple of stray(?) dogs, the Blogger/Snapper was encouraging them upwards while another lady was contemplating the state of a re-discovered Nora by the side of the track.
The re-discovered Nora |
It had been there for years and years but brambles bushes had kept it hidden from view.
Going Up |
Hazel on her way to the top |
At that juncture, a swarm of small but hungry mosquitoes took a very keen interest in us: that was the cue for a couple of ladies to take their leave. Naturally, they had to be escorted lest some marauding javali or cyclists put them at some peril or other: the Snapper volunteered for that duty.
The splinter-group –not the sprinter-group, as some of us might say it- must have grown seven-league boots: in no time at all, we had left the Leader and the Heaven-seeking girlies so far behind that they were out of vocal reach.
Be that as it may, Senhor Rod made an unexpected appearance round a bend in the track: he had been ordered to walk by his doctor and walk he did, manfully, too! Greetings and wishes were exchanged and he pressed on towards the Leader’s party.
Rod appeared, immaculately attired as usual |
The break-away group raced on towards N´anda´s Café, arguing as we went as to what a sun-shade should be called: a parasol? An awning? An umbrella? The irony of it all was that the argument was between non-native Engrish speakers!
It was tempting to get back to the cars and refresh soul and body before breakfast but alas, some prize ejeet had allowed their dog to make a very sizeable offering near the Blogger’s car; the ensuing clean-up took much longer than thought initially: it WAS a sizeable present! Having reassured the worried crew at the Café, the Blogger dashed through groups of tourists, past their ‘guides’, dodged some ‘Citadel’ sellers, forced a couple of motorists to slam their brakes on at a pedestrian crossing, waved apologetically at a kid who fell off her scooter –no helmet! as she tried to swerve past the now stationary cars and hid among the Happy Eaters inside the Café, Phew! The angry mob outside, brandishing large wheel-spanners and colourful brollies failed to spot him and dispersed; the entrance to Lidl car-park was almost free again…
All in all, what started as a very gentle amble along the Arade in full flow had turned into another mildly exciting outing for our bunch of geriatrics!
Thank you for being there; it was fun!
Be good, until next week?
(there was one incident which the Blogger could not possibly known about, because he and his Splinter Group were already nearly home, and that was when the Laggards (Hazel, Maria and Rod) came back past the big gates of the Adega Convento do Paraiso, one of the gates was open for some workmen to get in. The Laggards were permitted to look inside the property and they saw, in a nearby ornamental swimming pool a crocodile, I kid you not, a crocodile !
A rival to the Silves Python - the Arade Croc !
The Track and the Statistics
The Breakfast
N´anda´s, a new venue, where Paul joined us. Plenty to eat; most people seemed satisfied.
"Now where did I put my camera?" |
"All´s well that ends well." |
And a gentle piece of closing music