If you are wondering why part of the title of this week´s Blog is in Greek, it is because Yves, thoroughly fed up to the teeth with being referred to as Aristotle, decided to reply to the announcement of the week´s walk with this cryptic message:-
“Ο Αριστοτέλης με λύπη του δηλώνει ότι δεν θα μπορέσει να συμμετάσχει στο περπάτημα ή στο πρωινό της Τετάρτης...”
which, as you can image, had me puzzled for considerably more than a few seconds because it was not exactly the classical type of Greek that I had learned at school. Times do indeed change, but eventually I got there.
"Aristotle regretfully announces that he will not be able to participate in Wednesday's walk or breakfast."
I had thought giving this Blog the title of:-
“Αλλά ο Αριστοτέλης δεν ήταν εκεί”
(But Aristotle´s not there) on the lines of T S Eliot´s poem Macavity: The Mystery Cat.
a Mystery Cat: he’s called the Hidden Paw—
For he’s the
master criminal who can defy the Law.
He’s the bafflement of
Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad’s despair:
For when they reach
the scene of crime—Macavity’s
not there!
Macavity, there’s no one like Macavity,
He’s broken every
human law, he breaks the law of gravity.
His powers of levitation
would make a fakir stare,
And when you reach the scene of
not there!
may seek him in the basement, you may look up in the air—
But I
tell you once and once again, Macavity’s
not there!
Anyway to the walk. Numbers had looked like being quite low, but then we were joined by two identically named Chris Murphys, so in the end we were a quite reasonable eight.
The Starters
Chris Murphy, Chris Murphy (partly hidden behind Dina´s souvenir hat), Dina, Myriam, Maria, Hazel, Becky, TerryA and JohnH.
(Contrary to rumours, Terry has not had a nasty accident.)
A year or or so ago, we had seen some workman make a start on this wall. Now it encloses quite a substantial area. What for, we don´t yet know. |
When the ladies looked at this field, they burst into song "Strawberry Fields Forever," or at least tried to.
Then we visited the Old Oak Tree.
and Maria, of course, met an old friend on the way and had a chat.
A useful new short cut in Caravela.
Dina´s Track and Statistics.
Breakfast Statistics: 14 eggs.
Not particularly tuneful, and the Beatles at their most self-indulgent.
We need some Greek music to liven things up.
Strose to stroma sou , or Στρώσε το στρώμα σου.
What happened to Terry's right leg? 🤣
The breakfast was adequate. Of course, no breakfast can beat the generosity of Os Pescadores or Pára e Fica!
Does Terry know what happened to his leg? Is his leg OK?
And, more importantly, does anyone (such as Paul) know why Yves gets a message "permission denied" when he tries to open this latest blog?
Yes, I received the "permission denied" message too. But then I managed to get round it and opened the Blog!
KISS! Please?
What is simpler than 1 click as has been the case for years?
It looks like Terry was wearing some snazzy swimming trunks...
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