Wednesday 22nd June and 6 walkers, 2 dogs, and 1 non-starter gathered at Mira Rio.
The non-starter was able to catch an aerial shot or two as the intrepid bunch headed off under the leadership of TerryA, and then he left them to it..
Then there was some excitement over a snake.
which Myriam captured, on video.
Maria greeted an old acquaintance, Senhor Hanibal from Ponte Romana, so your Blogger is informed. Old friend of Rod´s too, if I am not mistaken.
Then at Clube Nautico, the group found the entrance blocked by an anchor.
Did they go in? Your Blogger wasn´t there so he cannot say.
Your Blogger returned to Mira Rio after a hard morning´s work at home at 9.30 am just as the walkers were returning to base
Breakfast had been scheduled for but Mira Rio were very quick off the mark and started serving as soon as they saw the walkers coming in, and well before the two non-walkers from Lagos had arrived.
But word was sent to the kitchen to delay the final two plates, so that when Chris and Paul did arrive,
they were able to sit down to a hot meal.
The all-important egg-count statistic should have been recorded as 16 eggs, but Maria introduced a wobbly by ordering her eggs in the form of a white omelette (her privilege, undoubtedly), but no one was sure how many eggs had gone into it.
It certainly looked very good.
There were no other definite statistics because Terry´s device seized up half-way round. But from what was described to the Blogger, it would seem the track was rather the same as that taken in September 2021 which was recorded like this:-
Finally, your Blogger felt his large Caneca was justified by the numerous domestic duties he had completed while not walking.
His colourful gear was remarked on, Myriam even using the phrase "fashion icon", but this was not the first time a retired banker had impressed the Mira Rio scene with his outfit.
Matching polo shirt and! Beat that for style!
Thanks to TerryA for stepping in to lead and to Hazel, Myriam and Yves for photographic contributions.
A nice, cool morning with enough warmth from people around; perfect!
Thanks for holding breakfast back for the Lagos Gourmets.
"He also stands who only waits and serves'!
Another relaxing morning spent in good company. Thank you.
Just to satisfy the Blogger's curiosity, we did not duck pass the anchor at the entrance of Clube Náutico. We only sat on the boat outside.
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