Seven of us were there for a prompt 7 a.m. start at Herdade Bom Homem and, once Sascha had been persuaded to co-operate with the camera man, the usual Starter photo was taken.
We then immediately tackled the first hill of the day, a bit of a killer.
More climbing up and then a very sharp steep downhill.
After which Yves suggested a further descent to a picnic area.
If we had taken him up on this, it would have shortened the walk by about an hour and a half, so we pressed on to a marker stone which some weeks before Yves had manouevred into position, Remarkably, this was still in situ and so he and Antje indulged in a bit of cairn building
Having successfully balanced three or four stones ,they then indulged in such an over-the-top bit of self congratulation that the shock waves of their fist bumps collapsed the whole edifice to the ground. Clearly, they have some way still to go before they can match this guy´s skills
Some fairly routine walking then followed, downhill and along the flat. At least we were among trees and foliage, unlike the previous week.
Since Silves Camera are engaged in serious replanting of this area with a mixture of native trees, we can be reasonably assured that this spot will be spared the attacks of the logging machines.
We then left the more usual road home and took a new route – steeper than the Leader had bargained for - up to a high ridge which provided good views of the Castle and the Windmill to the south.
Then a gentle descent towards the Rest and Be Thankful bench. Here, a photo of the four ladies was taken after Sascha had, once again, consented to join in.
But attempts to get Rod to participate in the same spirit fell a bit flat.
A couple of large funnel spiders´webs were spotted on the way back to the cars.
The family of funnel-web spiders in the order Araneida is named for their funnel-shaped webs, which open wide at the mouth of the tube. The spider sits in the narrow funnel waiting for prey to contact the web. When this happens, the spider rushes out and captures the insect prey at the funnel’s mouth. The most important genera are Evagrus, Brachythele, and Microhexura in North America, Trechona in South America, and the very poisonous members of the Atrax genus in Australia.
As for Portugal, Macrothele calpeiana, commonly known as the Gibraltar funnel-web spider or Spanish funnel-web spider, is one of the largest spiders in Europe. Macrothele calpeiana is the only spider species protected under European Union legislation. (Isn´t the E.U. wonderful?)
The satin black colour and long, flexible spinnerets are characteristic of this spider. The carapace is low and flat and the eyes are in a compact group. The female resembles the male but has a larger abdomen. The male can grow to nearly 30 millimetres (1.2 in) long; females are typically larger. Like all funnel-web spiders, this spider's web is funnel-shaped with trip-threads around the entrance, built among stones and roots.
Its geographical range includes Gibraltar, Spain, Portugal and north-west Africa. This species has been observed occasionally in France. The venom is not deadly to humans, so we can rest easy.
We then made our way to Para e Fica for breakfast where we were joined by Chris and Terry, Rod watching from the side lines as per usual.
The Café´s hostess seemed to be in one of her good moods and was in fact very welcoming and attentive.For some reason, the four Ladies decided that segregation by sexes was appropriate. It was very noticeable that, whereas the conversation at the Gentlemen´s table was conducted with due decorum - when one person was speaking, the others listened - the chat at the Ladies was a free-for-all, and a noisy all-speak9ing-at-once affair.
The breakfast was certainly up to previous standards and, at Euros 6 per plate, good value. Hazel looked pleased. How would you describe the picture? "A Very Satisfying Face " ? "The Picture of Satisfaction"?
Answers, on a postcard please, to Myriam.
The Track and Statistics
Only 174 metres of ascent ! Surprising; it certainly felt a lot more.
But let´s leave the last word to Fats Waller once again.
The Spider and The Fly
Indeed, men-walkers are out-numbered and out-noised these days... We know our place in a quiet and dignified manner, however!
A very good read. And Educational! So Dunbar held the Euro Stone Stacking Championships! Perhaps Castelejo or Foia soon! You certainly would need a couple of sharpeners if it was a morning event. Perhaps a Dunbar Whisky or two - Produced in Uruguay!
And spiders; and a song about spiders!
And satisfied/satisfactory/satisfaction!
Next week a pic of 'I can't get no satisfaction'!
It was a face which transmitted satisfaction!!
I had not realised how good the breakfast was until I saw THAT face!!
It was satisfying to look at!! If I were the cook, I would offer her a free breakfast next time!!
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