The attentive and regular reader of these blogs (should any such creature actually exist) will have noticed that I like to carry a theme forward from one blog to the next, to provide a smidgeon of continuity. Last week we were considering the subject of Uruguayan whiskeys and whether, just because they contain a dash of Scotch Malt whisky, they can be classified as “Scotch Whisky”.
This week, I have news that an engineering firm in Scotland has signed a USD4 million deal to ship an entire Scotch Distillery out to Inner Mongolia. This news came by courtesy of a colourful publication called MALAYSIA NOW. Mark you, I am not one to doubt the intellectual curiosity, hunger for knowledge and sheer sophistication of well-read Malaysians but, even so, I find it strange that a journal claiming as it does to focus on Malaysia Today should think its readers are deeply interested in a quite minor trade deal between Scotland and a northern province of China. But what worries me is that, if Scotland continues to export the essential components of its Scotch Whisky industry, be they mechanical, as in this case, or natural, as in a case where Scottish malt (malted barley) is shipped to a distillery in Holland, soon it will be inviting ever-more overseas competition to its own product. What is Nicola doing about it?
Could have been worse, though; might have been Outer Mongolia.
Food (or drink) for thought.
And now to the walk. This was to be an repeat but in exact reverse of the walk two weeks previously in Bom Homem, precisely so that our in-house photographer could take shots of the Silves Castle and Windmill using his heavy equipment rather than his Samsung phone.
The Starters |
The Maestro at work |
The result |
The rest of the walk was relatively uneventful.
Treading softly past the beehives |
One gathered later that his topics of conversation had included stories of the damage done to newly planted trees by deer who like to eat the young leaves (apart from alfarroba leaves), by male deer who rub the velvet of their antlers on the bark, and by javali who dig holes beside the trees to pee into. The foresters are only allowed to shoot old female deer and then only in in the hunting season. Old male deer are spared that fate to live to fight another day. Discrimination rules.
Then it was along the road to Para e Fica for breakfast, where Rod left us after taking a coffee and Hazel, Chris and Terry joined us. The females segregated themselves just as they did a fortnight before but if their conversation was more subdued this time it was because it was mostly medical – the benefits of suppositories being one overheard item of chat - so we men did not really mind being on our own. Our conversation dwelt on such imperatives as whether it is better to be to be booted or unbooted as far as one´s car is concerned.
One of the booted kind. What will the future bring? |
The bacon was excellent and the toast plentiful. No more of the eggs were served broken than is usual.
The Statistics and Track
Distance: 6.41kms. Time: 2 hrs 26 mins.
Average speed: 2.6 kph. Total ascent: 200 metres.
But these are pretty meaningless figures becaue of course the Leader had had to backtrack to look for Yves (he got lost - did I mention that ?)
Yves` special photographs
He certainly has an eye for scenery
You will agree that the pictures were worth the effort of carrying all that equipment.
P.S. Did I mention that he also got lost.
The APAPS who breakfast will have noted that I have been asking them to say if they want breakfast by using that very word "breakfast" , and most have humoured a grumpy old fart in his idiosyncrasy. "Breakfast" is a word of 9 letters which is not particularly onerous to type into an email or WhatsApp. Yves, perhaps to make amends for getting lost ( have I mentioned that already?) has come up with his own rather more weighty way of using the word "breakfast" which I should share with you before it gets lost into thin air. This is his acrostic.
Bread, toasted, piled high;
Rashers and tomatoes sizzling;
Eggs sunny side up;
A Sagres to help it all down;
Knives and forks ready;
Friends to share with;
All in hearty spirit;
Smiles and banter aplenty:
That’s what I want…
He used 154 letters. 9 will do fine.
And to conclude, no music this time round but a small puzzle for you.
What is the connection between these four items ?
In France In Germany In Italy In Spain
(No prize for correct answers.)