Cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis errore perseverare
In effect, Men always make mistakes but it is only idiots that repeat them. ( I am pretty confident that it applies to Women, Binary and Gender neutral types too!) I wondered whether I might meet the classification as an idiot, as I have retired from Blogging several times, yet I publish the WAGS Blog and have been cajoled into contributing to this. Now that things you read, said or thought over the full span of your life to date can be dissected, analysed and held against you, blogging is a risky business.
It can also create great wealth. A number of writers have found a niche to discuss on the Internet and monetise. There are young bloggers who are making millions out of unboxing gadgets and filming their random thoughts. I like the feeling of superiority of being a non-commercial Blogger, with an extremely select audience, though I could use the money if anyone wants to sponsor me, or take out a targeted advert!
The USP of the APAPS, as most of us worked out was The Breakfast. This has widely been (in APAPS circles) described as a proper English Breakfast, although far from the Full English or Full Fry-up as advertised by Greasy Spoons throughout UK. There are many regional varieties, depending on the contents and even the nomenclature of the consumers, but it is a subject far too wide for a weekly blog to discuss. Suffice to say that of the several venues that John has chosen and briefed to prepare the nourishing finales to our walks, all have stepped up to the mark, toed the line and produced good VFM meals for even the most demanding (and there are several) of APAPS Members.

John insists on washing his down with a bottle of Sagres, sometimes tempered with Sprite, and there are almost as many different preferences for coffee as there are walkers.
And so we gathered at 0700 beneath a darkening sky. One notable absence was Rod who had (allegedly) lost his Exeat privileges because of a horse related incident. We may yet see some excuse in the comments to this Blog.
The Walk: The traditional starter photo always attracts Troublemakers. Yves had heard that if you are really quick , you can appear in a photo twice!
John restored order and re-triggered his remote control, managing to catch all sexually separated, looking at the camera with open eyes, and some even smiling.
L-R Ingrid, Dina, Hazel, Jill, Janet; Paul Yves, John, Terry
The clear sky and gilding dawn we had at Lagos was rapidly replaced by a bank of grey cloud entering from the East, blocking the sun and bringing a chilly easterly wind from the Russian Steppes.
“Awake! for Morning in the Bowl of Night
Has flung the Stone that puts the Stars to Flight:
And Lo! the Hunter of the East has caught
The Sultan's Turret in a Noose of Light”
― Omar Khayyám, Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám
Most of the ladies donned windbreakers, but alas I had been beguiled by the previous week’s weather, and neglected to bring mine, so put on just a brave face and made do with the 2011 RTC 10th Anniversary T-shirt and a ventilated gilet.
Straight into a steep and longish heart starter of a climb and decent views of the recent devastation and the ski slopes of Monchique.
Climbing the final slope towards Rest and Be Thankful, first we met a man with a Sha Pei dog, which he asked us to stop as there might have been an E-W conflict with Java, and luckily the dog understood even John’s Portuguese, although it might have been my pointy walking stick that did the trick! A little further on, we met Misty soon followed by Anthony and Charles Frew, coming the other way having decided to do a later version of our walk, but without the breakfast.
Of course we couldn't resist the Rowing Scene at the bench at Rest and Be Thankful, and Yves got the best photo, while resisting encouragement to 'Step back a little!'

Another take.
And in good time for Ana’s preparations we were back at the start, saving tracks and stats. Alas ViewRanger let me down again by pausing for two key parts of the walk, and the usually reliable backer-upper, Yves, forgot to start his, so we will have to be satisfied with a Google Earth/Garmin Track by me, with thanks to John for some cryptic annotations, and two sets of similar stats, lacking in the usual ViewRanger details and analysis.

Total Distance 7.10 kms; Total Time 2hrs 6 mins
Moving Time 1 hr 43 mins: Average Moving Speed 4.1 kph

Garmin Stats
A couple of curiosities before we get on to breakfast. First a caption competition from John – prize unspecified.

and then a ‘Spot the Error’ photo from Yves.
Please don’t leak this picture to ‘Foot Fetishist’s Monthly, as I don’t want to break the Internet.
Ana’s breakfast at Snack Bar Terinho Para e Fica was excellent and bacon-rich, for those that are not religiously obliged to eschew the meat of the pig.
I put the name of the Cafe in full above, as on Google Maps it is simply annotated ‘Silves Cafe’, and Ana herself has no idea where they got that from. I have written an amendment to Mr Google to edit his map, so who knows? Perhaps some of you could figure out how to do that too and we can give Ana’s Cafe its rightful name as a show of thanks.

Chris and Antje, recently back from travel’s joined us for breakfast, without showing the least signs of guilt for not having burnt off the calories in advance.
John reported that he had heard from Ana that she had lost her chickens in the fire and a dog had given birth to 5 still-born pups because of the stress and danger.